Oriol Oms

Oriol Oms
Tour leaders
Oriol Oms is a Professor of Geology at Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, specializing in sedimentology. He has a passion for teaching field geology, from very basic to academic / technical levels.
Oriol is a resident of Barcelona and has an intense interest in and familiarity with the areas visited on our ‘Geology of Aragon, Spanish Pyrenees’ tour. He has advised government and industry on the geological heritage, conservation, geo-archaeology and geo-resources of the southern Pyrenees.
In addition to geology, he is interested in several fields of natural history (particularly in bird watching) and in plastic arts (see his Instagram account: oriol_sketching).
Meet Oriol on the Geology of Aragon, Spanish Pyrenees tour and visit our scheduled tours page for a full list of GeoCultura tours.